Boundaries for death and grief


How do people handle grief? What process do they go through thinking about death and loss? How do they express feelings? There is no set process for anyone.


There are friends who have a need to tell you their own personal grief, cancer, loss story immediately and in great detail.  Detach and remove yourself immediately from this outpouring of information that is not helpful or compassionate.

I have other friends who gush their own feelings at you. Keep those friends outside of your personal space, let them process some where else.

I have learned the friends who are most helpful, just listen, hug you or sit with you.

Keep those friends close by let their quiet energy support and sustain you.

I have my dearest friends help me set boundaries so that the drama is pushed away and my inner circle is filled with calm souls who are able to sit in quiet with Lee or myself.


One thought on “Boundaries for death and grief

  1. blmaluso January 20, 2018 / 9:36 pm

    I have learned that all friends who show love in their own way are blessings to me.


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